
Are you Concerned About Wellesley’s Academic Decline?

Over the past ten years, the Wellesley Public Schools have been in academic decline.  Our ranking and MCAS scores have steadily fallen.  Yet, our taxes continue to increase year after year.

Why is this happening and does this concern you?


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2 replies on “Are you Concerned About Wellesley’s Academic Decline?”

My oldest child graduated when the high school was ranked as #4 in the state. My eighth grader should be going to the high school next year, and its ranking has fallen to #26??? And my property taxes go up each and every year. Lussier got here in 2012, and pretty much since he has been here, our school rankings have fallen dramatically. We need to change things up! Where’s the school committee in holding folks accountable for the state of our schools?

My family moved here for the education and so far we have been very disappointed. As the district’s obsession with race, gender identity, and “activism” has steadily increased, academics has taken a back seat. Many residents have been forced to supplement Wellesley’s sub-par education with outside math programs and other tutors. The political bias in the schools is shocking and my high schooler is counting the days until she graduates. Despite lots of good people, we would not recommend this town to anyone.

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